How to Unlock a Dewalt Chop Saw in a Few Simple Steps?

When you are using a saw it locks because of some reasons. You as a woodworker should have the knowledge of how to How to Unlock a Dewalt Chop Saw in a Few Simple Steps?

Before going into these factors first, let’s learn the specification and use of a Dewalt chop saw.

A Dewalt chop saw is a high-quality tool that is used to cut materials like wood, metal, and plastic. It has a sharp blade and a powerful motor. Its high-speed blade allows you to make precise cuts and detailed designs. In addition, some models are equipped with advanced features like collecting dust, adjustable fences, and laser guides.

If you are using a Dewalt saw for construction or woodworking purposes, it suddenly locks because of some errors. In this article, we will tell you some simple and easy steps by following that you can unlock your saw and use it again.

Why is it important to lock a Dewalt chop saw?

It is very important to lock a Dewalt chop saw for safety purposes. A working or unlocked chop saw is a big threat of injury to the user and can cause damage to the project. So, here are some situations in which you have to lock the chop saw carefully.

If you want to change the old blade lock, the Dewalt chop saw. In this way, a chop saw will not be in working condition and you can easily change its blade.

There are some safety mechanisms in the Dewalt chop saw which automatically lock the saw when it is not in use. It avoids unconscious damage and injuries.

Locking the saw before transporting it from one place to another is a safe way of transportation. If the saw is not locked, the blade can damage the person who carries it and also the saw.

If the saw remains continuously in a working position when it is not in use. It can affect the maintenance of the machine. It is also noticed that a saw is always kept locked during its maintenance.

Overall, keeping the lock when it is not in use can’t be neglected. While locking the saw is different for specific models.

Let’s move toward our main topic.

How to How to Unlock a Dewalt Chop Saw in a Few Simple Steps?

In this part, you will learn how to unlock a Dewalt chop saw. It is a simple task and there is no difficulty in it. You should only know the correct settlement of knobs and buttons. Here are some steps to be followed;

Unplug the saw

Before performing any task related to maintenance to Unlocking the saw make sure that your saw is unplugged. The moving position of the blade, slide, and motor can harm you.

Unlocking the head 

The head is the first part that you need to unlock. When you store the whole machine the head is automatically locked. To unlock it observe some knobs at the top of the chop saw.

In a Dewalt chop saw there will be approximately two knobs and pins. To unlock the saw you only need to push these knobs and pins with little pressure. The head will be unlocked by doing so.

Unlock the angle lock 

An angle lock is a common unit located on the front side of the chop saw. Before cutting any object you need to unlock the angle lock first. You will observe some knobs and pins on the angle saw which sequentially come after others. Put some pressure on them with your middle finger. The small pressure will be appropriate to Unlock the angle lock.

Unlock Knurled knob

It is one of the easiest practices to Unlock the knurled knob. It is located on the base of the Dewalt chop saw. It secures the arm in place during the use of a chop saw. To unlock it you simply need to twist the knurled knob in a clockwise direction. Now the knurled knob is unlocked.

Unlock the bevel 

There are some fixed bevels in specific models. It is fixed at 45 to 90 degrees. you need to unlock the bevel to move the saw on it.

Start unlocking the bevel and move the adjustable fence. Then there is a yellow lever that needs to be flipped up. It helps to move the saw on the bevel.

Unlock the sliding 

There are some sliding rails on the saw. These rails play an integral part when you are cutting wider boards from 12 to 18 inches.

To Unlock these rails release the tension on the support rail tuning by turning the knurled knob in a counter-clockwise direction. Some small locking hooks allow the rails to slide.

Unlock the base

Though the base is fixed, if you buy an item that has a moveable base. It may get locked because of some reason.

To Unlock the base observe a knob in the base. Twist it and move it in the direction of the base. Positioning the knob carefully now the chop saw is ready to use.

Final words

Hopefully, as a woodworker, you have got the knowledge of how to unlock a Dewalt chop saw. It is an easy process for which you don’t need to visit a professional one. You can accurately do this at your workplace. The unlocking process is different for specific models and designs of the chop saw. In the case of the Dewalt chop saw, follow the procedure step by step. In other cases see manual instruction or consult a professional one.