How to unlock the ridgid miter saw?

If you plan to cut any wooden stuff like a door frame, crown, or anything else. But suddenly your miter saw gets locked. In this article, I will tell you How to unlock the ridgid miter saw? step-by-step. Locks are specially designed for safety purposes. They control the movement of the blade and help the miter saw to work accurately.

A user of heavy-duty power tools experiences many issues. They advocate these problems on the internet because it is hard to go to the market and fix it with an expert. A professional woodworker knows how to use it for his purposes and soon learns how to fix its errors. He gets the knowledge of fixing the lock of a ridgid miter saw.

Why is it necessary to unlock the ridgid miter saw?

Some locks increase the versatility of the miter saw and are specially designed for professional and expert woodworkers. It is very necessary to unlock the miter saw because you can easily perform DIY projects. If the saw is unlocked. It is very convenient to clean the parts of the saw like the base, bevel, etc.

Locks are designed for the safety of the users from injuries and to avoid any wobbling scenario. Locks make the parts of the saw smoother to help in the maintenance and replacement. Blade angleS can be easily adjusted by the locks to make desired cuts. It facilitates the blade to return to a stable position after the cutting process.

How to unlock the miter saw a complete guide?

Almost the unlocking process of all the miter saws is the same. Sometimes it depends on the specific model you are using. You can take instructions from the manual book also or the manufacturer’s guide. But here I am giving you a complete guideline to unlock the miter saw. if you want to know How to Sharpen a Miter Saw Blade then click. To unlock the ridgid miter saw follow the steps. (How to unlock the ridgid miter saw?)

Position lock

If the position of the spindle saw is locked and push or pull is also locked. Observe the black pivot area on the Ridgid. You will see a button or knob on the spindle. check if the button is tight or not. roll the button down the word of the handle in the anticlockwise direction. When the knob is completely loose and the pin is under the knob, the spindle is unlocked now.

Knurled knob lock

The knob exists right in front of the miter saw the scale. Before angle cutting it must be unlocked. Because it remains locked ever. To unlock it keep the head of the lock upward. Roll the knob in the counterclockwise direction. Now the pivot is moving from slide to slide. Knob unlocked for angle cutting.

Angle lock

In the front ridgid miter saw the knob is on the saw’s front on two sides. The angle lock has a knob and lever to control angles. To unlock it, lock it, hold the handle, and keep the blade in the upward position. Slowly lose the knob until it gets unlocked. Now, push the lever up and down to adjust the angles.

Bevel lock

When the miter saw is relaxed the setting of the Bevel lock is integral. A lever is present on the front base of the saw that locks the bevel. To unlock the bevel on the saw first, hold the lock’s head up and handle. Press the lever to observe the looseness of the bevel. Release the lever when the bevel completely loses and adjust the angles.

Swivel lock

The lever is right near the knurled knob which controls the saw’s swivel. To unlock it hold the saw upward so its head is steady.To activate the preset angles by pressing the lever. Rotate the knob until the sound of a click comes.

Base lock

It is noticed on the base of the miter saw. To avoid a wobbling situation while cutting the wood it locks the button with a stand. To unlock it keep the lock away from the base and lock. Rotate the knob and hold the handle of the saw. When it loses from the stand, adjust the bottom’s angles.

Some important things to remember while unlocking the miter saw

There are some important things to keep in mind while unlocking the miter saw.

  • First, locate the locking mechanism, and observe the knob and lever usually located on the back of the saw or the side specially designed for lock adjustment.
  • Press and release the level carefully. Follow the guidelines of manual instruction.
  • After unlocking the saw, test it. Check angles and settings are working properly.
  • Make sure your safety while using the miter saw, and protect your fingers and other body parts from the sharp blade.

Bottom lines

Miter saw is the best gadget to do angle cutting and DIY projects. Woodworkers usually suffer from the problem when it gets locked. In this article, I have discussed the complete guidelines on how to unlock the ridgid miter saw. Some safety precautions must be carefully followed by the user while using the miter saw or unlocking it. Its blades are very sharp; a woodworker should care for his fingers and other body parts. As far as the problem of unlocking the table saw is concerned. If you follow the steps you can comfortably unlock it.